SFIA - San Francisco International Airport
SFIA stands for San Francisco International Airport
Here you will find, what does SFIA stand for in Aviation under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate San Francisco International Airport? San Francisco International Airport can be abbreviated as SFIA What does SFIA stand for? SFIA stands for San Francisco International Airport. What does San Francisco International Airport mean?The based company is located in engaged in airlines/aviation industry.
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Alternative definitions of SFIA
- State Farm Insurance Agency
- State Farm Insurance Agency
- Security First Insurance Agency
- Service First Insurance Agency
- San Francisco Institute of Architecture
View 8 other definitions of SFIA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SMS Subscript Media Services
- SES Singapore Exhibition Services
- SMC Smarter Medical Care
- SSCL Solid Stone Company Ltd
- SWV Stovepipe Wells Village
- SCC Southern Cross Cargo
- SEE Southern Engineering Erectors
- SMC Strategic Management Centre
- SWL Sanders Witherspoon LLP
- SDI Systems Definition Inc
- SFPL Swan Fabricators Pty Ltd
- SSS Synchronous Software Solutions
- SPMI Social Pulse Marketing Inc.
- SJN Southwest Job Network
- SSIS Spring Street International School
- SFT Scale Force Talent
- SMCPC San Mateo County Pride Center
- SMS Saint Marys School